Who Is Really To Blame For The Border Surge?
The surge of migrants at our southern border is the latest fuel feeding the blame game in the United States.
Republicans blame President Biden. Arguing this wasn’t a problem when Donald Trump was president.
Biden blames Trump. He says his administration is inheriting a mess that began before he took office.
But if we push both of those propositions aside for a moment we may be able to focus on two “animals” that are actually responsible for what’s happening on the border. Coyotes and Russian bears.
Coyotes are people who other people pay to smuggle them across our border. The Russian bear, of course, refers to Moscow.
The coyotes dupe people in Central America into believing our boundary with Mexico is open and the Russians are engaging in a disinformation campaign designed to discredit the United States and to create more confusion about the Biden administration’s immigration policies.
Our government is now fighting back with a marketing campaign of its own. The government has bought 17,000 radio ads telling Central Americans to not start the arduous journey north because the border is not open.
Of course for the thousands who have already made the trip, this message is too late.