Will George Floyd’s Death Prompt Police Reform?
Every time there’s a well publicized controversial killing of a black man by a white police officer there are calls for police reform. But each time the focus on these pleas for change fades away with time. Will the killing of George Floyd be any different?
It’s a question that, admittedly, can’t be answered. But I sense attitudes are changing because of Floyd’s death.
Everyone by now has seen the killing of Floyd at the knee of then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. It seems to me, those images have moved a lot of people who previously were quick to blanketly defend police into taking a new look at policing in America.
A friend of mine, a conservative police supporter, has always been quick to suggest mitigating circumstances in many of these cases. So his comments to me this week were unexpected and jarring.
“Everyone saw what that cop did to George Floyd,” he said. “It was murder, pure and simple.
“I’d like to be the one to flip the switch on the electric chair. In fact, I’d then like to give him a lethal dose just to be sure he’s dead.” (The death penalty was abolished in Minnesota in 1911).
Other people who are typical defenders of the police have made similar comments to me. Perhaps more importantly, so have a number of my…